If you need to install Android on VMware Workstation to use a VM on a personal computer, you can use the algorithm explained in this blog post since it is nearly the same for both VMware ESXi and VMware Workstation.
You can create an Android VMware VM on a standalone ESXi host without vCenter.
You can read how to install ESXi, configure ESXi and deploy vCenter in our blog posts, including the blog post about VMware home lab. With just a few clicks, you can download the full-featured free trial of NAKIVO Backup & Replication to experience fast, reliable, and powerful data protection in your environment! Prepare Your EnvironmentĪndroid 8.1 and VMware ESXi 6.5 managed by vCenter 6.5 will be explored in today’s blog post. Today’s blog post explains how to install Android on VMware ESXi step by step with screenshots. The advantages of using an Android VMware VM include the possibility of creating snapshots and cloning a VM during the development or testing process. Once you install Android on VMware Workstation or ESXi, you will get all features available for Android installed on a smartphone. Fortunately, you can install Android on VMware Workstation, VMware Player, VMware ESXi, and VirtualBox.
Most of the time, there is no practical reason to install Android on a physical computer, but there may be some cases when you need to run Android on a virtual machine (VM), for example, when developing applications for Android and testing them. By Michael Bose Installing Android on VMware ESXi: A How-To GuideĪndroid is a very popular and prolific operating system on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets.